
Iobit uninstaller pro 11
Iobit uninstaller pro 11

IObit Uninstaller PRO 12 software health feature: it checks your computer conditions like Uninstallation Leftovers, Outdated Software, Software Permissions, Disturbing Notifications, and Programs with Uninstall Issues. IObit Uninstaller PRO 12 main screenshot: this window shows you 6 tabs to manage installed software on your computer, including All Programs, Bundleware, Logged Programs, Recently Installed, Large Programs, and Infrequently Used. Click on the “Enter Code” button, then insert the IObit Uninstaller PRO 12 giveaway keys above: Iobit Uninstaller Pro 12 1Įnjoy the IObit Uninstaller Pro version for free if you have already installed it on your computer, you can click the “Refresh” button to change to the new license code: Iobit Uninstaller Pro 12 2 And your browser will run smoother and safer.Download the program and install it on your computer. With the removal of malicious plug-ins, there won’t be any possibility of privacy leakage.

iobit uninstaller pro 11 iobit uninstaller pro 11

And the enlarged database can identify more malicious plug-ins and toolbars on Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Internet Explorer. IObit Uninstaller 9 can remove browser plug-ins and toolbars to protect your privacy. Malicious toolbars and plug-ins may record or steal your browsing data, also slowing down your surfing speed. After automatically cleaning leftover and cleaning registry residues, it clears all traces of software as it was never installed earlier. It can even remove a malicious plugin or toolbar that can’t be removed by the anti-malware programs.With enhanced Powerful Scan, all leftovers can be removed completely. Not only this this software has lots of other features. IObit uninstaller pro is the easiest and fastest software to uninstall applications and remove the leftover files. Completely remove leftovers of programs uninstalled by other utilities or uninstalled before using IObit Uninstaller.

iobit uninstaller pro 11

Remove stubborn and bundled programs to free up disk space, and get rid of malicious and advertising plug-ins to browse the Internet safely.Īutomatically revert the changes a program has made to your system after uninstalling it.

iobit uninstaller pro 11

With batch uninstallation feature, you can uninstall multiple programs with single click and also clear all left over files and left over registry entries all in one click. It also Auto Cleans Leftovers of Programs Uninstalled by Other Uninstallers.īest part of Iobit uninstaller pro is batch uninstallation. IObit Uninstaller PRO version is one of the best Uninstaller out there which also cleans web broswers plugins and extentions. Its advanced features will ensure a better PC performance and safer online browsing. Uninstall Unwanted Programs & Plug-ins Promptly & Thoroughly.

Iobit uninstaller pro 11